Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Fall Already?!

I can't believe it's already almost November! Where did the year go? As usual Mike and I have been really busy with raking leaves and outside work. I did a lot of canning this summer and fall, so in a way I'm glad that is over! Other than that, nothing too exciting has been happening, although it will be soon because I'm going to be an aunt again in a few weeks!! :)

My friend Ebony also took our Christmas pics, so that was fun and the weather was beautiful! What can be better than the fall colors?

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


My beautiful Dahlia. I found bulbs at Walmart that said you can plant them in the spring and they will bloom in summer. I was a little hesitant, but they turned out great and it was a lot cheaper than buying a huge plant.

My zinnias are looking great too, despite the beetles trying to eat them!

I went blueberry picking in Indiana with my sisters and some of my nieces and nephews. The bluberries were wonderful! Together we got about 130 pounds! Yum!

Emily and Laura riding back to our cars after picking.

Of course Mike was thrilled (although he doesn't look like it in this picture) with his blueberry sauce for his waffles and his tasty blueberry pie!! (he wondered why in the world I wanted a picture of him eating waffles, but you can't say no to a scrapbooker!!)

My garden! Thankfully you can't see all the weeds in the picture! :)

My first tomato from my garden! I was rather excited!!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


I love spring! I love the flowers, the green grass, being outside and working in the yard. It seems it flies by too fast though, just like every other season (except for winter, yuck)!

Mike and I have been enjoying walking around town at night after it's dark. It's so peaceful and all the flowering trees and bushes smell so good! I also love the smell of people's laundry that is drying, weird, I know. ;)

I've been busy working in the yard, although it's been raining so much that I can't get as much done as I would like. Mike, as usual, is really busy working on various vehicles for different people. I've been spending a lot of time at Dad and Mom's because Denise and the kids were here from Indiana for a few days and then again for Easter. We had a lot of fun playing games, riding bikes in town, and hunting for Easter eggs!

Some pics of hunting for Easter eggs.

Here's a pic of the view from Dad and Mom's house a few weeks ago, so beautiful in the spring!

Here's a pic of some flowers that I picked for my table; they smell sooo good!