I can't believe it's raining again! Tomorrow is May 1 so that means no more rain, right? I bet that's what all the farmer's are thinking. Anyway, it's been over a week since my last post so I thought I'd share what has been going on.
Obviously nothing too exciting otherwise I would have run to my computer and of course posted it! :) Anyway last weekend was an enjoyable and busy one. Friday I had the day off so I went where any other girl would go, shopping! Although I must say I didn't have very good luck. I stopped at my Mom and Dad's house after shopping and declared that I want to open up my own clothing factory. What is wrong with clothing designers??? So frustrating!!
Saturday I helped Mom get ready for out Fritz family gathering. It was an enjoyable evening although there was a little sadness in the air at the missing place at the table. I always make name tags and put them at every spot when we get together. I admit it was really hard to throw one away because it was no longer needed. Hopefully I won't need to do that for a long time, although next year we'll have a new spot and a new face at the table. :)
Sunday was Bob and Jenny's wedding. It was such a lovely wedding! If you weren't there you defiantly missed one of the most creative centerpieces I've ever seen. There were subtle touches of a chemistry theme. And how could I forget the cans of Dr. Pepper!! So neat!
Moving on...tomorrow Mike and I are leaving for Ohio and then Tennessee for the week. I'm pretty excited, hopefully we'll have good weather! Hopefully it won't rain as much. Here at the office they are saying there is a chance of another flood. As far as I'm concerned it can flood because I'll be gone anyway. :) I'll be sure to post pictures when I return.