Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Another week goes by...

Does time seem to fly by faster in the spring for anyone else? I absolutely love spring and it's already the second to last week in May! Last week I was busy buying and planting flowers for my parents' house and my house. Mike and I had a relaxing weekend; basically the only thing we did was go to Gridley for a family thing on Saturday night. It was nice to see some of our family from Indiana and catch up.

It was a lovely Monday morning because over the weekend the Peoria riverfront flooded...again. It's starting to get a little old walking on scaffolding to get to work! The flooding isn't quite as bad this time, but still very inconvenient. Oh the joys of walking past the Asian Carp and ducks on your way to the office!

I'm looking forward to the long weekend coming up! Mike and I are hoping to go camping one or two nights so hopefully the weather cooperates! We've been saying ever since we got married that we were going to camp so hopefully it actually happens this time!
I've attached a couple more pictures from our trip. I have more of them up on my Facebook page, but since some of you can't see that I decided to post some more here.