Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Mike has been busy the last few days working on the house since he's been off work because of the rain. He put the first coat of paint on the bathroom. It's a little bright, but I think it will look better after he puts the final coat on and we get the new mirror and lighting put in. He also took out the purple carpet and the purple linoleum in the bathroom. It's always frustrating to find that there are two layers of flooring to rip up.

Last night Mike and a friend put recessed lighting above our fireplace. We couldn't put them quite where we wanted to because of the trusses in the attic. Mike had to spend quite a bit of time in the attic, much to his dismay, and came down sneezing and itchy after being up there for a while.

He also replaced the hall lighting and took down the lovely flowered and crystal light fixtures. Here's a few pictures.